Friday, November 03, 2006

Thank You Neil

"If she doesn't shut up, I'm going to smack the sh*t out of her..."

I think that's how a line in a Neil Labute short story begins. And right now, it's what's going through my mind as a caricature of an Upper West Sider sits behind me at Starbucks and continues ... to.... talk...
and... spew... nonesense

... renovations.

No. About scheduling renovations.
About how busy she is and how could she possibly change the previously agreed-upon date and how come the designer doesn't seem to understand the importance of a schedule and what if the delay means she can't get the same color that she ordered and why aren't my friends being more supportive right now when I really need them.......

Thank God for iPods. Somebody in the New York Times wrote (again) last week how technology is forcing apart. I think it's saving lives. If it weren't for the sweet sound of Nana Caymmi (Brazilian crooner, lovely) in my ears right now, I would seriously contemplate renovating that hag behind me.

Aggression. Another blogging byproduct. Fun.

Where was this post going? I thought about writing about my fellow Starbuckians today, but I really just want to go out and smoke. Next time.

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