Friday, November 03, 2006

Exile: One who lives away from one's native country, whether because of expulsion or voluntary absence.

It's true.

Blogging is dangerously close to a compulsion. There is this deranged sense of hope that your commentary, once released into the world, will make all the difference.

But I'm not really a blogger -- one of those people who write about every little thing in their daily lives, wanting to "share" with whoever stumbles along their little corner of the Net through their travels...

Not yet. I'm not one of those.

But... ok.. so here's the cool thing about blogging. It's not just that you can post about virtually anything (there is, apparently, a sly sort of a "we-don't-call-it-that-but-it-really-is-censorship" system on, you can seemingly support all of your rantings by including links and citations to anything else you find on the web.

Like the fact that "writing from exile" (my original idea for a Blog name) is a very, very popular theme. Even Caribbeans, apparently, have exile (Caribbean Literature: Writing From Exile), and you're quickly reminded that Paris was and still is a very nice and popular place to be in exile (Alex Ross: The Rest is Noise)....

I wonder if my parents would have appreciated the romanticism that is attached to writing from exile. Displaced Person camps in American-occupied Germany might have been preferable to Soviet exile in Siberia, but somehow I don't think the barracks there were very conducive to memoirs.

That's it. I have no idea where to go with the end of this post. Learn by blogging.

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